Recruit Graduation Ceremony
By Member Alan Zale
January 11, 2016

The Recruit Firefighter Training Program Graduation Ceremony for the Fall class was held at Hartsdale Fire Headquarters on Saturday, January 9, 2016. The 15 week class, had five recruits, including two from the Hartsdale Fire District. During the class the recruits were trained in Best Practices in the following: Firefighting, EMS, Building Code, Technical Rescue, and Vehicle Extrication under guidelines from New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control.
Following the graduation ceremony, Brian Morris and Mark Kane were sworn in as Probationary Firefighters for the Hartsdale Fire District by Commissioner Frances Stanley. P.F.F Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance and P.F.F. Kane addressed the gathering as Class Spokesperson. Photos by Alan Zale